Tag Archive for: lightning

Download Magic Beam VFX Assets

Download HD Magic Spell Beam VFX assets here.

ProductionCrate has launched a brand new collection of magical assets, inspired by the VFX from the Harry Potter franchise!

These incredible effects can be used in most editing software, with our top recommendations being After Effects, Hitfilm and Premiere Pro.

Using a screen blending mode is the easiest way for you to apply these effects with minimal effort.

Download Magic Spell VFX Assets

These intense effects have been built with several different varieties, meaning each of your characters can have their individual styles. So whether you want an electrical theme or a fiery blast, this new effect bundle has you covered!

If you’re an After Effects user, applying a solid composite + puppet pin to the beam will give you control over the origin point. This creates the epic fluid appearance that we see in the movies.

Download Magic Spell VFX Assets

You can also adjust the colour, brightness and speed of each effect, giving you unlimited variety.

Download Magic Spell VFX Assets

Additionally, we’ve included some mind-blowing magic clash VFX assets. These are the explosive effects seen when two opposing forces collide in a dangerous wizarding duel.

This is the spectacular value of the magic effect bundle shine, as these can be blended on top of the magic beam effects to create an incredible composition. We’re especially proud of the liquid variety, which are an iconic visual from the Harry Potter movies.

Download Magic Spell VFX Assets

To complete the pack, we’ve included an essential mix of magic flashes. These can be used when a wizard is casting a spell, or even deflecting one.

The quick yet detailed effects are perfectly designed to not look overdone, making it incredibly easy for them to blend into your action sequence.

Some of our effects work best when using auto-orient, which keeps layers pointed towards the camera when in 3D space. This can be accessed via Layer -> Transform -> Auto-Orient -> Towards Camera. When using this, combined with standard 3D beam layers, you can create the most incredible effects that are easy to customise and composite!

Download Magic Spell Deflection VFX Assets

We hope you enjoy using these magic VFX assets. All of these are available for our Pro members, while free users can still access handpicked content!

If you want to learn even more movie-making magic, check out our Thor lightning VFX collection!

100 New Super-Powered Lightning Effects

Download 4K Lightning VFX Assets here.

This is one of our largest releases ever.

Over 100 4K New super-power lightning effects are available for you to download. This massive pack offers variations for aerial strikes, ground hits, lightning with or without sparks and tons more.

We categorise these into four main groups, those being ground, wall, aerial and basic. For the ground and wall assets, the illumination on the surfaces has been built-in, meaning you don’t need to spend a single second working on realistic environment lighting.

Thor Lightning VFX

With inspiration taken from Thor in Infinity War and Endgame, as well as the Flash, these effects maintain the epic plasma-arcing motion that defines the superhero look.

The VFX Artists at ProductionCrate tested this pack and are thoroughly amazed at how easy it is to use. By simply dragging on any effects you’ll see how well they integrate into your scenes with minimal effort.

Blending modes such as Add, Screen or Lighten will add that extra level of realism to your shots. Applying these lightning VFX assets onto this composition was incredibly easy, while also making it look undeniably epic!

Download 100 Thor Lightning VFX Assets

You can add extra detail to these 4K assets by adding a simple displacement effect, which will give your lightning a far more jagged and powerful look.

With over 100 variations to choose from, you can combine, rotate, scale and adjust these in infinite ways for full control over your scene. In other words, these 4K electric effects will never fail you.

Download 100 Thor Lightning Power VFX Assets

To test the true power of these assets, we took our favourite Hulk scenes from the Avengers movie and gave him the mighty powers of Thor. Take a look at what happened:

If you want to explore more of our superhero VFX collection, why not explore our Mysterio assets?